Accessibility & Financial Aid

It's important to me that everyone is able to access birth, lactation, and postpartum support despite financial barriers. If you are struggling to fund the support you need reach out to me via e-mail and keep reading to learn how I can help! 

Financial Aid

Let's face it, life is expensive right now.
The last thing I want is for you to be stressed about not being able to fund the support you want and need when you're preparing for birth, postpartum, and feeding your baby. This is a support everyone should have access to! 
If finances are making it difficult to acquire the support that you need, please reach out to me directly. I'm committed to providing accessible education and support to all of my clients.  

I can split up my fees into smaller, more manageable payments. I can set up financing for you with zero interest on the payments.

I leave space for a few probono clients and scholarships for classes every year for individuals who have experienced trauma, teen or young moms, single mothers, bereaved mothers, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC communities

Recommendations for a Winnipeg lactation counsellor
Government of Canada

"Breastfeeding is recognized as the unequalled way to provide optimal nutritional, immunological and emotional nurturing of infants.
Consistent with the WHO global recommendation for public health,
Health Canada recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, and sustained for up to 2 years or longer with appropriate complementary feeding to support nutrition needs, for immunological protection & growth & development of infants and toddlers. Breastfeeding is also linked to many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, no inequity, & responsible consumption and production."

Are you ready to take control of your labour, birth, & lactation experience?